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Wishlist now gamers




Nice game make new biomes pls

will do


The shop and upgrade buttons look like they're in the background, so it wasn't obvious they are clickable. I bought a gun but it wasn't equipped. Can't quit the game.

Here's a video of me playing it

That's super useful! Thanks for trying it out! There is a way to equip the weapons you buy but I should probably make that more obvious. Also I will make sure to add a quit button, sorry lol. Also the machine guns were bugged out here, I'm going to investigate this.


how much would it cost on steam bc i have zero money


I'm planning on making it 10$ but putting it on sale a lot. You should be able to get it for around 2-4$ during one of those. 

oh cool


This has a ton of potential. I make music and I am looking for some games to work on. Here is my portfolio. Would love to add music to your game: 35521 Music


Your music looks great but unfortunately I have no cash. Thanks for offering though!